Friday 23 December 2011

About perspective..

Visual Perspective”, by definition,(Chambers 21st Century Dictionary) is the way that the observer perceives objects in relation to one another, especially with regard to the way they seem smaller the more distant they are.It is simply the overlapping of objects.

In art ,perspective is the method of creating an impression of spatial depth, either of a flat surface or in relief.
The principles of perspective were first applied by the Italian painter Masaccio(im.1), whilst Filippo Brunelleschi was the first to discover this technique.(im.2)

Masaccio, Tommaso (1401-28) , Crucifixion, 1426 (tempera on panel)

Brunelleschi, Filippo (1377-1446) ,View of the Nave, 1425-46 (photo)
"In ancient Greece and in Renaissance Europe, artists have striven systematically, step by step to approximately their approximately their images to the visible world and achieve likenesses that might deceive the eye… The ancient world certainly saw the evolution of art mainly as a technical progress, the conquest of that skill in mimesis, in imitation, that was considered the basis of art.” The image and the eye, Gombrich

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